Non-essential businesses are resuming operations in at least 24 states in May. While the argument remains on whether it is too soon or not, it is none too soon for the trucking industry. April saw historic lows in the Load-to-Truck ratio and with restaurants nationwide not operating fully, or at all, as produce season isn’t bringing the boon many hoped. However, there is opportunity for a small uptick in May, the only question remaining is if some predictive models are correct, does reopening non-essential businesses too early just make things worse further down the road. Even with some economies beginning to reopen, second quarter predictions are still down by double digits with most hoping for a rebound by the end of the 3rd quarter and expecting it by the end of the year. The biggest factor in rebounding the economy is consumer confidence and a vaccine cannot come quickly enough to instill that level of confidence.
Industry Updates – May 6, 2020

Topics: Insider, Logistics Management, Shipping, COVID-19
Receiving Packages & Freight During COVID-19 Pandemic

As the coronavirus continues to spread across the country, disinfectants are flying off the shelves and hand-washing remains the most touted method of prevention, but how do we clean our mail? Should we even be cleaning it? Well, rest easy: Preliminary testing suggests that you can't contract COVID-19 from mail or packages. Even if the interior contents had trace amounts of the virus, they are likely to have died by the time a package reaches you.
Topics: Insider, Continuous Improvement, Shipping
Carrier & Industry Updates April 6, 2020

The updates below reflect new information received within the past few days and over the weekend regarding some specific carriers and industry information. Load-to-truck ratios in March tell an interesting story as well – have we already witnessed the spot-market peak?
Topics: Insider, Logistics Management, 3PL, Shipping
Mihlfeld Mile: April 1

Topics: Insider, Logistics Management, 3PL, Shipping
Carrier Specific Information as of March 30, 2020

UPS Global Freight Forwarding/Supply Chain Solutions
- Effective March 23, 2020
- All IAF Services will be charged a Capacity Surcharge based on the below schedule:
P.A.M. Transportation
Topics: Insider, Logistics Management, Carrier Compliance, 3PL, Shipping