As COVID-19 continues to spread across the United States, state and federal politicians are using terms like non-essential or critical infrastructure to classify businesses. There are few different purposes for the classification one being them to easily distinguish which organizations are necessary to health, safety, and security of the nation. There are 16 critical infrastructure sectors who are deemed vital. Within each of the Critical Infrastructure Sectors, there are specific industries that serve as the foundation of the sector. Below we list the 16 Critical Infrastructure Sectors and the Core Industries within each.
Understanding the Critical Infrastructure Classification
Topics: Insider, Logistics Management, 3PL, Shipping
Mihlfeld Mile: February 2020

Topics: Insider, Logistics Management, Continuous Improvement, 3PL, Shipping
4 Manufacturing KPIs You Need to Use

How do you know if your department or organization is on the right track? How can you identify problems that might be holding you back from achieving your goals? The answer is as easy as K-P-I.
Topics: Logistics Management, 3PL, KPI
What to Know: Mass Customization and Logistics

Topics: Logistics Management, 3PL
Understanding Carrier Compliance: 6 key benefits to shippers and a guide to CSA

Why Carrier Compliance is Important to your Company
If you were to think of a word that characterizes the shipping industry in recent years, what would it be? There are many things which have been true of the Logistics and Shipping Industry through the past couple decades but one area has been especially punctuated in recent years – Growth.
Topics: Logistics Management, Logistics Technology, Carrier Compliance